A visit to our hotel should be positive to us, to our guests and to our community. We take responsibility for people and environment in all levels of our daily operations through detailed regulations and demands on those we collaborate with. All of our suppliers sign contracts that they will follow a set of ethical guidelines. These guidelines concern human rights, working conditions and environmental regulations from FN and ILO conventions.
The guidelines cover:
- National laws and regulations
- Forced labor/slavery
- Freedom of associations and collective agreements
- Child labor
- Discrimination
- Brutal treatment
- Safe and sound working environment
- Salaries
- Working hours
- Established employment regulations
- Marginalized populations
- Environment
- Animal welfare
- Corruption
To even further reduce our impact on the environment, we require systems for environmental certifications from all our suppliers and in turn from their suppliers. Our suppliers’ complete production lines must be accessible and some kind of control system must be in place. Through continuous follow-ups we can guarantee that our hotel is operated with care for people and the environment. So that you can always stay here with a clean conscience.